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Links to Other Websites

All the links in send back to relevant information about cancer on websites from various sources ; some in the French language, some in the English language.
You can also look for websites that you wish to visit by clicking on one of the following categories.

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> Médical Websites
> Articles and Réferences on Cancer

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If you wish to access specific information by topic, click on the category :

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> Institutionnal Websites

Harvard Center for Cancer Prevention
American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR)
Cancer Research Foundation of America
Centre François Baclesse
BC Cancer Research Center (BCCRC)
Association Mondiale Médicale
CCPPRB d'Angers
International Conference on Harmonisation ICH
Commisssion Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés CNIL
European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products EMEA
British Columbia Cancer Agency
Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale
Unité d'hématologie-oncologie pédiatrique d'Angers
National Cancer Institute
The Genome Database at Johns Hopkins
Université Louis Pasteur de Strasbourg
Fédération Nationale des Centres de Lutte Contre Le Cancer
Société Canadienne du Cancer
Institut Gustave-Roussy IGR
Université de Rennes
Université Joseph Fourier
The Virginia Urology Center
Université de Lyon
Association d'Aide à la Recherche Cancérologique de Saint-Cloud
Université de Tours
Urologie CHU de Bicêtre
La clinique urologique-Groupe hospitalier Cochin
CURE Foundation
Association médicale Canadienne
National Breast cancer Coalition
Société Canadienne du cancer
Ligue Genevoise contre le Cancer
Fondation Luxembourgeoise contre le Cancer
Conseil de l'Europe
Ministère de l'Emploi et de la Solidarité
Association Française d'Information Funéraire
hôpitaux de Rouen
Santé Canada
Société Française d'Ophtalmologie

Service Vie Santé
Atlas of Genetics and Cytogenetics in Oncology and Haematology
Wellness Web
Planète Uro
Lyon Urologie
Ovarian Cancer National Alliance
Swissweb de la prévention et de la gestion promotionnelle de la santé
European Lung Cancer Working Party
VHL Family Alliance
NRB Vaincre le cancer
Cancer du sein
The Fatigue Coalition
Breast Cancer and Environmental Risk Factors Project
Breast Cancer Answers
Dr recommend
liver cancer
Union Internationale Contre le Cancer UICC

Prévention du cancer du poumon
Sciences et
Cancer and Genetics
Internet GlobeTrotter
Blue Mountain Internet
Industrie Canada
Service Vie
Environnement Canada
I! France
Québec Science
France Handicap
cancérologie ORL
Bibliothèque Médicale A.F. Lemanissier
tout ce que vous devez savoir sur le cancer du sein
Yahoo! GeoCities
le cancer du sein : ce qu'il faut savoir.
Galaxy Internet Services
Ca se discute
L'annuaire des médecines douces et des produits naturels
France pratique

· The Biology of cancer

You can find a définition of cancer, an outline of the général concepts and definition of the métastatic process. (texts in french) on the web site ofthe François Baclesse Centre.

· Cancer and génétics

The french explane what genes are and asks whether cancer is a genetic disease.

The web site includes an explanation (in French) of gene therapy and the behaviour of genes.

The French Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale is developing a section on cancer on its web site.

The website of the Centre François Baclesse gives information (in French) on familial cancers and in particular the genetics of bowel cancer.

Other English-language web sites of interest :

Cancer and Genetics
Atlas of Genetics and Cytogenetics in Oncology and Haematology
Cancer Family Registries
Cancer Genetics Network
Cancer Genetics Network Cancer Genetics Network
The Genome Database at Johns Hopkins

· Cancer: possible causes and prevention

The website of the Harvard Center for Cancer Prevention aims to raise the awareness of the general public about. The site contains a series of articles and reports.

The French site of the Préventong lung cancer looks at the harmful effects of tobacco and gives advice on how to stop smoking.

The American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) provides a wealth of information about prevention through nutrition on its web site.

The Cancer Research Foundation of America also has documents on nutrition.

The French web site of the CNRS describes the carcinogenic effects of over-exposure to the sun.

· Screening for cancer.

The François Baclesse Centre has an article (in French) on "How to prevent and detect certain cancers"

The Health Canada web site provides a summary of cancer screening guidelines for various types of cancer.

See also the web site of the British Columbia Cancer Agency

· Epidémiology

To learn more about the units of measurement, sources of data, variations in frequency, analytical studies, the main causes of cancer according to epidemiological data, and prevention, visit the French web site of the Centre François Baclesse

Epidemiology has also enabled the identification of the pathogenic role of certain factors which are often at the origin of cancer development. More information about these factors can be found on the web site of the Centre François Baclesse

To see how epidemiology can lead to the identification of preventive measures, take a look at the Centre François Baclesse website.

You can find further information about epidemiology on:
1. the French website
2. an article in french, on the
Epidémiological evaluation of cancer risk factors
3. the
Health Canada website.

· Ethics et cancer

The Helsinki Declaration can be found on the web site of the World Medical Association at

The French text of the Huriet Law is available on the Arcat-Sida website, and the implementing decrees can be consulted on the web site of the CCPPRB d'Angers.

Other related documents can be found on :
- the web site of the
- the web site of the
- the web site of the

Web sites that have more information about informed consent :
CCPPRB d'Angers (in French)
the American website CancerNet

The wesite of the CCPPRB d'Angers describes the role of these committees in France and how they work.

A presentation about the use of placebos can also be found on the French web site CCPPRB d'Angers.

Finally, two web sites that answer all sorts of questions about biomedical research are :

- the web site of the CNRS (French national research council - partly in English)
- the French web site of the
CCPPRB des Pays de Loire

· Diagnosing cancer

This link points to an article in French on "Other diagnostic tools".

The French web site of the Centre François Baclesse lists technical details of the main tumour markers.

The CancerNet web site provides information about imaging techniques and how they are used to diagnose cancer.

The Cancer Imaging Research web site reports on the current state of research in the field of early detection of cancer of the breast, lung and skin.

If you want to know more about needle biopsies, you can look at the French sites or France pratique.

· Cancer symptoms

The Société Canadienne du Cancer web site answers some of the questions most frequently asked about cancer.

· Angiogenesis : a new way forward ?

The cancercare web site lists a number of American sites dealing with the hopes raised by angiogenesis in the treatment of cancer.

You can also consult a technical article on the French web site of the Centre François Baclesse.

To find out more, including how an animal like the shark could help us to beat cancer, read the French article
"Can the shark save us from cancer ?" by Nathalie Mousseau.

· Practical aspects of chemotherapy

For detailed information in French on the preparation, administration and monitoring of chemotherapy, visit the web site of the Centre François Baclesse.
The American web site
CancerNet offers a "Guide to Self-Help During Cancer Treatment" which gives detailed explanations about how chemotherapy is given, focusing in particular on intravenous treatment.

· Treating cancer with surgery

Discover more about brachytherapy (curietherapy in French) by following these links to:
1. the French web site
2. an article, also in French, on
"The consequences of the discoveries of Pierre&Marie Curie ".

· · The complications caused by cancer

The French web site of the Université Louis Pasteur de Strasbourg has a section on hypercalcaemia.

You can find out more about malnutrition from :

1. Patrick Quillin's book
"Beating Cancer with Nutrition" ,
2. the Wellness Web , which has an article entitled "Helping the Person with Cancer Eat Better",
3. the web site, which features an article on "Nutrition in Cancer Treatment".

· · Pain and pain relief

There are a number of web sites that deal with the important problem of cancer pain.

These are just some of the web sites you can consult :
- the
Fédération Nationale des Centres de Lutte Contre le Cancer has a whole series of articles in French on the assessment and treatment of pain in oncology including acupuncture.
- the article
"pain and cancer : an update" by Ivan Krakowski (in French),
- the
Canadian Cancer Societyhas published a booklet entitled "Pain relief" for cancer sufferers and their families.

- the French web site La Ligue Nationale Contre Le Cancer
has a whole section on the following aspects of pain :
- the legal framework,
- what causes pain in cancer?
- the patient has an active part to play,
- treatments linked to the tumour,
- the treatment of pain not specifically related to cancer,
- specific medical treatment,
- additional treatment,
- comfort treatment pain in children and the elderly.

· The side-effects of treatment

The French web site of the Centre François Baclesse gives a technical explanation of the toxic effects of chemotherapy.

On the same web site - Centre François Baclesse - you can find information about the side-effects of radiotherapy.

You can consult the FAQ about constipation at the Oncolink web site.

For more about fatigue, take a look at :
- the Cancercare web site's fatigue section
- the web site of the Armenia Institut which looks at the connection between cancer, chemotherapy, anaemia and fatigue.
- the web site of The fatigue Coalition
- the website.
- the French web site La Ligue Nationale Contre le Cancer.

If you are receiving chemotherapy, the French language site Support-Cancer provides advice about the following side-effects :

- hair loss (alopécia),
- fall in the number of red blood cells (anémia),
- loss of appetite, alteration of the senses of taste or smell,
- cystitis (inflammation of the bladder) and difficulties in urinating,
- fertility problems,
- disorders in the mouth (mucositis),
- nausea and vomiting,
- changes affecting the skin and nails,
- reduction in the number of platelets (thrombocytopenia),
- sexual dysfunction,
- coughing.

Finally, a more technical article written in French by Dr Sylvie Block about the side-effects of treatment can be found at

· Hormone therapy

For further technical information on the use of hormone therapy and its effects on particular cancers, visit the French web site of the Centre François Baclesse.

· Immunotherapy

A definition of immunotherapy in the French A to Z of Cancer

The article entitled "Immunology and immunotherapy for cancers" published on the French web site of the Institute Gustave-Roussy.

The CancerNet web site has a section on "Biological therapies: using the immune system to treat cancer".

The CancerCare web site also describes the various different biological therapies that are efficient in treating cancer.

The article entitled "the Monoclonal Antibody Technology - The basics" explains how monoclonal antibodies can attack specific cancer cells.

· Radiotherapy

A to Z of Cancer for a definition in French of radiotherapy.

Dr Roger Poisson's article, in French, on "Non-destructive treatment for breast cancer" describes how radiotherapy is successfully used in treating breast cancer.

The American web site CancerNet gives an explanation of radiotherapy in its section on "treatment options".

· What is chemotherapy ?

For more technical details in French about:
- the main drugs used, visit the web site of the Centre François Baclesse.
- the various chemotherapy indications, visit this page on the
Centre François Baclesse website.

Other web pages with general information about chemotherapy include :

- the web site of the NEO regional Cancer Center

The French web site of
Inserm and the American web site CancerNet also provide information about chemotherapy, how it is administered and the different drugs used.

· Treating cancer with gene therapy: the challenge of the 21st century

The following three articles are particularly recommended for their excellent explanations of gene therapy :

1. "Gene therapy in cancer treatment " on the french website
2. "Gene therapy overview" the
Industrie Canada website,
3. "Gene therapy: correcting genetic flaws" on the américain website
cancercare. This article also has links to other internet sites containing general information about gene therapy.

· Emotional problem caused by cancer

Two articles published on the Health Canada web site look at psychological problems and how they are treated :

- A. Cunningham's article "Adjunctive Psychological Therapy for Cancer ; what we know and what we need to know"
- B. Fox's article entitled "ThePsychological Epidemiology of Cancer : Incidence andPrognosis".

See also the article in French on depression, entitled "Morbidities : the current state ofknowledge. Dépression"

The French web site Doctissimo has a section on "How might cancer affect my sex life?"

Finally the French web site deals with sexuality of patients undergoing treatment and addresses the following aspects in particular :

- returning to a normal sex life for a man
- returning to a normal sex life for a woman you want to have a child.

· Colorectal cancer

E. Monnet's article in French on "The prognosis for colonic cancer in population statistics" can be found at

For questions relating to diagnosis, the following French articles are of interest: :

- "Imaging of colorectal tumours" by B. Padovani and JN Bruneton on the Rennes University website.
- "Useful explorations in the diagnosis of colonic cancer" by JM. Canard at

You can consult this page on the site which provides a list of texts written by experts on prevention, screening, nutrition and the treatment of colonic cancer.

For a clearer understanding of the classification of colorectal cancer and its possible consequences, visit the web site of the Centre François Baclesse.

· Skin cancer

On prevention:

- An article in French on "Ultraviolet rays and skin cancer" at
- The
Environnement Canada website.

For technical details on diagnosis and treatment options, have a look at the following French references:

- Professor Tourani's article "Malignant melanoma" on the website,

- an article on "Malignant skin tumours" by J.C. Beani on the web site of the l’Université Joseph Fourier

- the chapter on skin cancers on the web site

· Prostate cancer

The French web site has a detailed page of frequently asked questions about prostatic cancer.

The Virginia Urology Center 's web site has a section dealing with prostate cancer, who is at risk, the symptoms, prevention, the importance of early detection, and treatment options.

On the web site you can find an article, in French, about the alternatives to hormone treatment in the case of a hormone-resistant prostatic cancer.

· Bladder cancer

The French web site has a detailed medical presentation on bladder cancer.

On the web site you can find an article in French by C. Maulard-Durdux on "Malignant tumours of the bladder".

· Stomach cancer

You can consult:

The Université de Lyon website.

the article, in French, on "Stomach cancer" by J. Fournet at

the French web site

· Ovarian cancer

The French web site has a chapter on ovarian cancer, its detection and ovarian cysts during and after the menopause.

The French Canadian web site Québec Science has an article on the effects of the mutation of the BRCA1 gene, "BRCA1: enemy of the breasts and ovaries".

· Cervical cancer

Patricia Roman's article on "cervical cancer" on the French web site France Handicap describes prevention techniques.

An article in French on "Cervical cancer" by A. Gerbaulet et V. Coen on the site describes the side-effects of the treatments used.

See also the article "Cancers of the cervix" on the French web site of the Association d'Aide à la Recherche Cancérologique de Saint-Cloud.

The web site has a whole section on women's cancers.

· Liver cancer

For more information about secondary liver cancers, consult the French web site where you will find an article on "secondary liver cancers".

You can also consult:

- the web site of the Canadian Liver Foundation at
- the section on "Liver cancer" on the web site outlines the risk factors, symptoms and diagnosis of liver cancer.
- links to specialist papers on liver cancer, in French, can be found at

· Cancer of the larynx

The web site of the Université Joseph Fourier has a section in French on the diagnosis and treatment of laryngeal cancer.

The American web site
HealthLink created by the Medical College of Wisconsin Physicians & Clinics reports on the state of research into this type of cancer.

· Pancreatic cancer

J. Auroux's article, in French, on "Pancreatic cancer and chronic pancreatitis" can be found at

Université de Lyon 's web site offers a description of the different types of pancreatic tumours.

Two French articles summarise the current treatments for pancreatic cancer :

"What's new in digestive cancerology in 1999: pancreatic cancers" by PH. Rougier at

"Chemotherapy in exocrine pancreatic cancer" by C. Brezault at

De nombreux articles techniques sont disponibles sur les sites référencés sur

la page de

· Lung cancer

The French web site includes photographs of lungs affected by cancer.

For details about prevention and in particular the harmful effects of smoking, look at the French web sitePrévention du cancer du poumon.

Two web sites in French look at the epidemiological aspects of lung cancers:

- The Fédération nationale des Centres de Lutte Contre le Cancer,

- The Swissweb de la prévention et de la gestion promotionnelle de la santé.

The treatment options are so complex today, depending on the type of lung cancer to be treated, that it is helpful to read technical medical articles that raise questions and look at the alternatives. The following articles are all in French:

"Bronchial cancerology: consensus, grey areas and practical difficulties" by A. Depierre published on the Atmédica website.

"Treating small cell lung cancer" by J.P. Sculier, published on the web site of theEuropean Lung Cancer Working Party

"Chemotherapy treatment for non-small cell lung cancers" by J.P. Sculier, published on the web site of the European Lung Cancer Working Party

"Primary lung cancers: the current limitations of surgery in lung cancer", an jointly-written article published on the web site of the Fédération Nationale des Centres de Lutte Contre le Cancer.

A less technical article by Professeur J.M.Tourani entitled "Small cell lung cancer " is available on the web site

Finally, two web references with good general information about lung cancer are:
- the "Lung cancer" section of the American web site Cancernet,
- the section on "Understanding Cancer Of The Lung" on the British web site

· Kidney cancer

A detailed article in French on "Kidney cancers" by B. Dufour and J.M.Tourani can be found at

The Swissweb de la prévention et de la gestion promotionnelle de la santé has a page devoted to kidney cancer.

The French web site Urologie CHU de Bicêtre proposes an inventory of the diagnostic and treatment options for kidney cancer.

There is an article in French on "Adult kidney cancer" on the web site of the La Clinique Urologique Groupe Hospitalier Cochin

An article about the VHL gene entitled "Research on VHL may lead to a cure for kidney cancer" on the VHL Family Alliance.

· Breast cancer: general information

The French web site Everything you need to know about breast cancer gives answers to the questions asked by women.

The web site of the CURE Foundation also focuses on the questions women ask about the risk of developing breast cancer.

The French web site looks at prevention and risk factors.

LMore technical general information in French can be found at

See also the American web site
Breast Cancer and Environmental Risk Factors Project.

· Breast cancer: prevention, screening and diagnosis

A French article on The role of ultrasound scanning in the treatment of breast cancer.

The French web site deals with the diagnosis, treatment, prognosis and prevention of breast cancer.

The American web site
Breast Cancer Answers created by the University of Wisconsin Comprehensive Cancer Center provides updated information on the prevention, screening and diagnosis of breast cancer..

· Breast cancer: reconstruction, rehabilitation and follow-up

The French web site of the Fédération nationale des Centres de Lutte Contre le Cancer, has a section devoted to physical and functional rehabilitation:

- physiotherapy for the shoulder
- skin care and advice about clothes
- external breast prostheses
- prevention of lymphoedema of the upper limbs
- treatment of lymphoedema of the upper limbs
- psychological and emotional impacts
- breast reconstruction through surgery
- physical activities after treatment
- contraception and pregnancy after treatment
- side-effects of chemotherapy.

On the French web site, you can find the references and summary of the publication, "Reconstructing oneself after breast cancer".

Finally, the l'Université de Lyon's web site has a section on "Help with reintegration".

· Breast cancer: treatment

General information in French about breast cancer can be found at:
Breast cancer: information and resources,
- Breast cancer: what you need to know.

For more detailed information about breast cancer surgery and related treatment, visit: :

- the Rennes University web site, which has a section in French on
surgery for breast cancer.
- the French web site which looks at breast surgery.
- the web site of the Canadian Medical Association Journal, which has a questions and answers section about breast cancer at JAMC.
- the American web site Buddy Program for Breast Cancer Clinical Trials which creates links between patients who are eligible to join a clinical trial.
- the American web site National Breast cancer Coalition.

· Breast cancer: new drugs and side-effects of treatment

The following French web sites have articles about prevention through Tamoxifen and hormone therapy:

- "Breast cancer: Prevention through Tamoxifen",
- "Anti-oestrogens".

Have a look at the article on the cancercare web site about the effects of Herceptine.

· Testicular cancer

The web site of theUS Food and Drug Administration FDA has published a detailed article entitled "Testicular Cancer: Survival High with Early Treatment".

The web site of the Canadian Cancer Society describes the screening procedures for testicular cancer.

· Le cancer de l'endomètre

L’article « IRM et pathologie maligne de l’utérus » sur le site de l’Université de Rennes.

· Cancers of the mouth and throat

For a detailed presentation of oral cancer, visit the American web site Cancernet.

· Tumours of the central nervous system

- a Canadian Reference Manual on adult brain tumours,
- See also the detailed article in French on "The optic nerve tumour" on the web site of the Société Française d'Ophtalmologie,
- the article, also in French, entitled "Brain tumours" by Professor Chiras published on the Université de Rennes.
- the American web site describes the various treatment options and gives information about brain tumours.

· Bone tumours

The article in French by D. Vanel entitled "Malignant bone tumours", describing the different types of malignant tumours of the bone, can be found on the l’Université de Rennes website.

See also D. Delmas' article, also in French, "Diagnosis and treatment of bone metastases" on the web site of Université de Lyon.

· Recurring cancer: when the cancer comes back ...

For further information, consult the chapter on "when cancer recurs" on the American web site CancerNet.
The French web site of the Ligue Nationale Contre le Cancer looks at the following questions :
- what do we mean by cancer recurring?
- do all cancers have the same risk of recurring?
- is it true that the risk of the cancer recurring falls after 5 years?
- what are the signs of cancer recurring?
- what treatment is offered in the event of cancer recurring?

· A guide to nutrition

For detailed information about nutrition for people living with cancer, consult the Nutrition Guide which is available on the web site of the Canadian cancer Society. It includes the following chapters:

- Nutrition Basics,
- A Word about Weight,
- The Importance of Protein,
- Common Concerns of People Living with Cancer (loss of appetite, feeling tired, nausea and vomiting, sore mouth, sore throat, taste changes, diarrhoea, constipation, dry mouth, thick saliva, etc)
- About Food Supplements.

The French web site of the Ligue Nationale Contre le Cancer also has advice about nutrition, especially:
- after an operation,
- while undergoing radiotherapy treatment,
- during a course of chemotherapy.

· The patients and their family

The web site of the Fondation Luxembourgeoise Contre le Cancer has published two articles, in French, entitled: :
- "The social environment of the cancer patient",
- "The cancer patient and their family: the importance of a frank dialogue".

Another French web site, Support-Cancer has a whole section on the topic of "when someone in your family has cancer"..

· Turning to alternative medicine

The French web site of the La Ligue Nationale Contre le Cancer lists the basic questions that patients should ask themselves.

The Canadian web site Santé Canada has a summary and definitions of alternative medicine.
For more about oligotherapy, herbal medicine, or homeopathy, go to

The following two French web sites have information about acupuncture:
- Fédération nationale des Centres de Lutte Contre le Cancer which has an article entitled "Indications for Acupunture and algesic cancer patients".
-, which has a Directory of Alternative Medicine and Natural Products..

· Learning to live with cancer

The Support-Cancer French web site aims to help cancer sufferers and their families to find a French-speaking support group.

The French web site of the Fondation luxembourgeoise contre le Cancer has a number of articles offering information and support for cancer patients, in particular, "Psychological help for cancer patients".

Consultez enfin le site Dr Recommend qui liste par catégorie de cancer les groupes de parole ou de soutien disponibles en France et dans le monde.

· Palliative care: general principles

1. The article by Paul Rebattu entitled, "Terminal care, palliative care, continuing care, palliative treatments, supportive care: what do these mean in oncology?" on the web site of Université de Lyon.

2. The web site of the Ligue Nationale Contre le Cancer deals with the following end of life issues:
- what do we mean by "palliative care" ?
- will the patient be better cared for in hospital or at home ?
- what are the different kinds of structures offering palliative care ?
- what role do associations have in accompanying terminally ill patients ?
- how can family members obtain leave to accompany a terminally ill relative ?

3. The Centre François Baclesse web site studies the terminal phase and the palliative attitude preparing the passage from curative treatment to palliative care.

4.For news or legal information, have a look at:
- the press file dated 19 June 2000 entitled, "Palliative care and combating pain: interim report on the two government plans", at Ministère de l'Emploi et de la Solidarité
- the June 1999 law guaranteeing right of access to palliative care, on the web site Adminet
- the Senate's report on palliative and supportive care, written by Lucien Neuwirth on the Sénat website .

5. The web site of the Association Française d'Information Funéraire has a map showing the location of palliative care units and associations.

6. The web site of hôpitaux de Rouen has a list of French web sites dealing with palliative care.

· Psychological support: why consult a psychologist?

On this topic, see the following web sites (all French) :

- the Fondation Luxembourgeoise Contre le Cancer, and especially the article on "Psychological support for patients with cancer and their families".
- the La Ligue Nationale Contre le Cancer which looks in broad terms at the reasons why psychological support is essential to help manage the distress caused by cancer.

Lastly, the web site Centre François Baclesse offers a scientific presentation of the psychological aspects of cancer:
- the public image of cancer,
- hearing the diagnosishearing the diagnosis,
- the patient's pathological reactions,
- relations between the carers and the patient during treatment,
- the team relationship of the carers.

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